Saturday, May 1, 2010

Friend or Acquaintance?

I often consider my relationships in two categories: friend or acquaintance? An acquaintance is defined as personal knowledge or a person with whom one is acquainted. Friend is defined as one attached to another by respect or affection.

There are times when I run into casual acquaintances and we may talk for a moment and catch up and then not talk to one another again until our next happenstance encounter. A friend is usually someone you talk to everyday or multiple times a day, depend on, cry with, laugh with and cannot imagine life without.

I always try to keep Jesus my friend in my personal relationship with Him. I used to have Him as just an acquaintance where I called on Him when I really needed him after life just happened to run us into one another. But now that I am cognisant of the type of relationship I want to have with Him I make it a point to talk to Him everyday, multiple times a day, lean on Him when I can no longer stand and cry to Him. And with our friendship, which is one million times the relationship I have with my best of friends, I cannot imagine my life without Him.

In my walk with Him, I never again want to have Jesus as just my mere acquaintance. And He did in fact sacrifice the most ultimate gift for me and you. Is there a better friend you can have than that?

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