Monday, May 3, 2010

What Gets You Out of Bed in the Morning?

When the morning alarm goes off each day, what gets you out of bed? Before your feet hit the floor what thoughts are running through your head? The busy day ahead, the many errands that need to be ran, the appointments scheduled for later that day and the ongoing to-do list.

I know the feeling. I do the exact same thing. Sometimes I wonder, if I didn't have all these things to do would I even get out of bed?

I would like to think that I would. With our busy lives there is one thing we forget to do and it is the one thing that should get us all out of bed each morning - to live our lives for Him. That is the most important thing on our to-do list and sometimes it runs last on the list. If you are blessed to wake the next morning it has to be for a reason or purpose. If there were no reason or purpose you might not have woken up?

With that I want to make it a point to wake up each morning with the Lord in mind and what His will for me is that day. I want to make that the number one priority on my to-do list. I think if we all were to do this the daunting tasks of the day ahead wouldn't seem so bad. We could find opportunity in the daily tasks to live for Him. Even if it is something as simple as thoughtful acts as opening the door for someone, or picking up something someone dropped, or letting a car in the line at the light. The acts are endless and those simple acts I do believe show the nature of Christianity. It is also kind of like that commercial (I think it is AllState or State Farm but can't remember) where one kind act witnessed by a bystander leads to another kind act by that bystander and on and on. To serve God and follow His will each day are what I want to get me out of the bed each morning.

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