Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mistakes - Only One Doesn't Make Them

We all have said, "Wait, this must be some sort of mistake." I know I have and I know that this past year I have screamed it towards the sky at the top of my lungs. When you lose someone you truly love, the first two things you think are why and this must be a mistake. After months of soul searching and pondering it hit me one day like a ton of bricks - Addison's death was no mistake because God does not make mistakes.

When I realized this, I did feel more comforted, although I still asked why and sometimes still do. But when I came to the affirmative conclusion that God does not make mistakes I felt a sense of relief and it helped lift some of the resentment that I had been holding against God. The fact that He doesn't make mistakes sometimes can seem to be a hard pill to swallow, when we have so much disaster, worldly and personally, happening around us. But there are two things I know for certain, 1) we are not meant to understand everything in God's plans and 2) He does not make mistakes.

We are not in control of this world or this life and I am certain that He is and with that control He does not make mistakes. I found great words the other day written by William Cowper, "Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, but trust Him for His grace; behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face."

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